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The Need to Transform Disregard for Human Life

The following is a statement issued on June 15 issue of Seikyo Shimbun, in which Kazuo Ishiwatari, chair of the Soka Gakkai Peace Committee, briefly outlines the SGI’s activities toward a nuclear-weapons-free world.

Together with activities for human rights education, sustainable development and humanitarian issues, nuclear weapons abolition is a key focus of the Soka Gakkai’s peace movement.

In September 2007 the SGI launched an international campaign, “The People’s Decade for Nuclear Abolition.” In 2012, the organization began touring the exhibition “Everything You Treasure—For a World Free from Nuclear Weapons” to venues around the world.

Soka Gakkai youth in Japan were able to collect more than 5 million signatures to support the Nuclear Zero campaign organized by a consortium of international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Our youth members have organized “Youth Conferences for the Abolition of War” and promoted activities to share experiences of war and the testimonies of hibakusha, atomic bomb survivors, to a wider public.

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