An Antinuclear Weapons Symposium Commemorating UN Nuclear Abolition Day
An antinuclear weapons symposium commemorating the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons was held in Tokyo on September 16, 2019, inviting youth and experts from various perspectives, to shed light on future endeavors toward a world free from nuclear weapons.
At the event, Masako Wada, assistant secretary General of Nihon Hidankyo (Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations) and a Nagasaki A-bomb survivor herself, gave her testimony. Many of the participants consisted of young people who for the first time were able to hear direct stories about the horrific experiences of being a survivor of the A-bomb. They later wrote down their personal determinations to take action for the elimination of nuclear weapons on a questionnaire. As a representative of the youth, Taira Togashi of All Nippon Renovation shared his rich experiences of engaging with social activities, inspiring each participant to be a “change maker” in society.
A panel discussion followed, moderated by Hiroki Komasaki, CEO and founder of NPO Florence who have incorporated the language of ordinary people into the expert narratives of the nuclear weapons issue, with representation from Akira Kawasaki an International Steering Committee member of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) and Keiko Nakamura an associate professor at the Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition (RECNA) at Nagasaki University.
Kazuo Ishiwatari, chairperson of the Soka Gakkai Peace Committee, stated that they will continue to urge the Government of Japan to renew its stance and sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
The event was organized by the Soka Gakkai Peace Committee, supported by Nihon Hidankyo, RECNA, Nagasaki University, and All Nippon Renovation.