Free eBook of Hibakusha Testimonies Available Now
UN Secretary-General's Remarks to the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony
The Peace Declaration delivered by the Mayor of Nagasaki City
The Peace Declaration delivered by the Mayor of Hiroshima City
UN Secretary-General's Message to the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Service
July 7, 2018 marks the one-year anniversary of the historic adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibitio
An Interview with Dr. Rebecca Johnson Executive Director The Acronym Institute for Disarmament Diplo
An Interview to Mr. Jonathan Frerichs Disarmament Representative at the UN in Geneva Pax Christi I
Faith Communities Welcome UN Secretary-General’s Disarmament Agenda
A Joint Appeal to Youth Calling for Resilience and Hope Issued by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and Daisaku