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An Interview with Dr. David Krieger, President of Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
1. How do you think civil society has influenced international efforts for abolition of nuclear weapons over recent years? I think civil...

An Interview with Ms. Susi Snyder, Nuclear Disarmament Programme Manager, PAX
Upcoming posts will include a series of interviews with key individuals on their support for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear...

SGI’s Statement Presented to Chairman of 2018 NPT Preparatory Committee
On April 25, Kazuo Ishiwatari, SGI Executive Director for Peace and Global Issues, met with Ambassador Adam Bugajski, Chairman of the...

Faith Groups Issue Interfaith Statement Calling for Urgent Action towards Nuclear Ban
On April 25, a group of diverse faith-based organizations and individuals delivered an interfaith statement as one of the civil society...

SGI Commits to Collaborative Projects for Nuclear Ban with ICAN
SGI representatives participated in the ICAN Campaigners Meeting held in Geneva, Switzerland, on April 21and 22, prior to the second...

SGI Issues Statement to NPT Preparatory Committee
On April 20, the SGI made public a statement to the second session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference of the...

Official Twitter Account Launched
Just setting up our official account @PeoplesDecade2 on Twitter! Follow us for updates about a grassroots campaign toward a world free of...

Full English Translation of 2018 Peace Proposal Now Available
Synopsis The adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in July 2017 was a breakthrough in a field that has been...

Launch of New People’s Decade Platform for Nuclear Abolition
SGI is pleased to announce that a new People's Decade website has been launched in line with the start of the second People’s Decade for...